Men's chat

Safety First - A Guide To Better, Safer Sex!

Safe sex is an important aspect of maintaining good sexual health and preventing unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs...

Should I Upgrade To The Meridian Trimmer Plus

Gentlemen, It's a question that many current meridian trimmer holders are asking themselves...should i upgrade to the Meridian Trimmer Plus? and whats the di...

Our Experience With The Meridian Trimmer - A Review

We gave Sav, Dean and Jerome a Meridian Trimmer to use, and asked them to give us there thoughts. This is what they had to say: Sav: When it comes to trimmin...

Tools Of Attraction - What Women Find Attractive In Men

Trying to catch the eye of that special person? We spoke to the girls at HQ to see what tools they believe aid your attraction!Callista"I also love it when a...

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